Find Your Path to Healing

Compassionate treatment for individuals who have experienced trauma and neglect.

First of all

Comprehensive Care

Our private practice provides comprehensive care to help you overcome mental health challenges and improve your quality of life. We tailor treatment plans to meet your individual needs and goals.

happy new year greeting card
happy new year greeting card

Not to mention

Treatment for Trauma and Neglect

Our private practice specializes in treating trauma and neglect. Our experienced clinical psychologist provides personalized therapy to help you overcome and heal from the past.

And let's not forget

Expertise in PTSD and Axis II Personality Disorders

This psychologist has extensive experience in treating PTSD and Axis II personality disorders. We provide individualized treatment plans to help you manage and improve your symptoms.

If you wish to know more about Lori's Practice, the services she provides, or the courses that she teaches, please click on the following links:

Beginning in the Fall of 2023- Psychology courses:


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